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Phase-Locked Loop Circuit Design ebook
Phase-Locked Loop Circuit Design ebook

Phase-Locked Loop Circuit Design by Dan H. Wolaver

Phase-Locked Loop Circuit Design

Download Phase-Locked Loop Circuit Design

Phase-Locked Loop Circuit Design Dan H. Wolaver ebook
Publisher: Prentice Hall
Page: 266
Format: djvu
ISBN: 0136627439, 9780136627432

Has adopted and achieved excellent silicon correlation using the company's Analog FastSPICE Platform for accurate performance characterization of a 40nm nanometer Phase-Locked Loop (PLL) clocking circuit IP, targeted to networking and cloud computing applications requiring over 100 Gbps data transfer rates. A crunchy analogue sounding bit-crushing synthy thing i kept to the philosophy (in tweaking the previous design) to make sure it had the widest variance i could achieve in the pll circuit for each knob without compromising the original sputter that i fell in love with in the first place. Figure 1 shows the blocks in a Phase Locked Loop (PLL); it is the block diagram from last time with the phase detector (PD), charge pump (CP), and filter broken out and a few details added. Patch the circuit as shown in the wiring diagram and apply power to the trainer. 20 MHz Dual Trace Oscilloscope 3. The Silicon Creations Fractional-N PLL (block diagram shown in Figure 2) suppresses this noise with the addition a feed-forward compensator that feeds directly into the loop filter, and is able to achieve jitter in Fractional mode very close to that achieved in integer mode. Long term jitter as small as 2ps RMS has been Thus the PLL Period Jitter (PJ, also known as short term jitter) must be known in order for the circuit to have sufficient timing margin. The end of your audio is saturated in tails of sputtering electricity sounds. Patch Chords & CRO Probes Procedure: 1. Set the Oscilloscope for the following settings: Channel 1-1V/division, Time base: 0.5ms/division 2. Analog Bits Uses Berkeley Design Automation to Deliver 100 Gbps 40nm PLL IP Silicon Success for SoC and Cloud Computing Applications. Clock with other digital elements of your application. Phase-locked loops (PLLs) are widely used on designs such as frequency synthesizers and clock recovery circuits. Clock distribution is a science all of its own - but if you control the clock, you can include it within a phase locked loop (PLL) to cancel out delays in the distribution circuits. PHASE LOCKED LOOP,Ask Latest information,Abstract,Report,Presentation (pdf,doc,ppt),PHASE LOCKED LOOP technology discussion,PHASE LOCKED LOOP paper presentation details.

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